
That crazy Glenn Pace is at it again

The much-beloved Glenn Pace will be chagrinned by this posting, but he is once again exposing himself to many hours and many miles of suffering as he attempts a semi-solo Easter Seals 24-Hour Relay this month in Burnaby.

Give early and give often: it is for a very worthy cause: all funds go directly towards allowing children with disabilities to attend summer camp. As members of CFA, we are particularly blessed with fitness and free access to outdoor adventure: share the joy.

A link for donations and further details of Glenn's quest: 

Go, Glenn, go!


David Crerar's picture

North Shore News

Mudrunner is in the weekend edition, with a big photo. The photo may not be suitable for all viewers, as it features a particularly deep leg and groin stretch.

Ean Jackson's picture

I'm in for some pace laps and some cash

...but no way am I going to sponsor you per lap 'cause I know how far you have run in previous years!

For the benefit of the folks out there in Internet-land who may not know, you might want to share how much money you raised and how far you ran in previous years.  Might also sketch out the protocol for having people join you, as last year security was a bit of a pain-in-the-fat-ass.

What you have done is unbelievably impressive and it's so inspiring to run with you.  Go, Glenn, go!


mudrunner's picture

Thanks for the kudos, but...

...I just have to put one foot in front of the other. That's the easy part. The money that was raised was due to the contributions of many, many individuals.

So many people have contributed over the past 2 years & together, we've raised over $17, 000!!!


In terms of distance....

2008: I met my goal of covering 100 miles in the alloted 24 hours (but I stopped at 22 1/2 hours...or such)

2009: I increased the gaol to 110 miles & fell a wee bit short....at 109.2 miles. I still had some time left, but I was gassed. I did the final lap with my 8 year old son decided he'd go do another 4km lap with his grandmother in order to get the miles done. We didn't count that lap, but it was certainly a show of spirit! I think we have a runner in our futiure.


As far as security goes, if anyone is interested, let me know & I can arrange to get you some wrist bands. Security gets tighter as the event goes later & as it gets darker. It's a family event, so they have good reason to keep things in check.

Also....does anyone have any connections with regards to coordinating cooperative weather?

mudrunner's picture

Thanks David!

.....& thanks to Club Fat Ass & it's members for helping me support this great cause. Every year I am amazed with the consistant level of participation or donations by this wonderful club. It really epitomizes the trail running community's spirit & I am personally very grateful to be a part of it.

If anyone would like o run some laps with me in the middle of the night, drop me a line & I'll get you a security bracelet (not the Lindsay Lohan kid of security bracelet!). I promise that I won't be cranky or tired this time (Baldwin!!! I'm talking to you!!).

Thank you. Your participation & donations are very much appreciated!


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