
Fat-Assed Pow Day

If you're into sliding sports, now is a good time to get out on the slopes. It has been puking in the mountains for days... and it looks like there's more snow on the way! I was up at Whistler with some buddies the other day and was treated to some of the best deep, dry powder I have ever had the pleasure of wollowing in.

The photo doesn't do the day justice. Our little band of powder hounds were first up to the top of Whistler Peak on a day with endless lines of boot-top to knee-top fluff. In some places it was up to your waist. There were face shots to be had for everyone who got up early enough for first tracks.

If you've never had the pleasure, deep pow is like a drug. There's just about nothing too steep... point your skis downhill and go! Cranking out high-speed, short radius turns is like flying. Wipeing-out at high speed is like running into a wall of 20 thick duvets...the only bad part is having to dig for your skis if you launch out of them.

When we set off on our powder quest, I don't think any of the boys knew what we would accomplish by the end of the day. We were all too tired to even have a beer with our ibuprofen afterward. For the record, here's our day:

Vertical (m)

Peak 332
Peak to red (Franz's Meadow) 882
Roundhouse to Emerald 425
Roundhouse to Emerald 425
Roundhouse to Emerald (meet Tad) 425
Roundhouse to Harmony 259
Harmony 524
Harmony to T-bar 333
T-bar 188
Peak to Red (lunch) 882
T-bar 188
Peak to Valley (via bagel bowl) 1529
Roundhouse to Garbanzo 848
Garbanzo 660
Garbanzo (Seppo's) 660
Garbanzo to Valley (Dave Murray) 1009

Total vertical meters 9569
Total vertical feet 31394