
Bagging Mappers Need Only Apply

I'm looking for a few Baggers for a little experiment.

It's a simple experiment.  If successful, the outcome will be a better world for all Baggers, past and future.


  • a GPS unit and/or GPS route data on north shore peaks in digital format
  • bagging experience and/or the intention to get same in this year
  • one (1) hour per peak
  • minimum comittment of three (3) peaks over the course of the 2010 Bagger Challenge

If interested and available, please contact me to discuss!



Jason Eads's picture

Can't commit "whole hog", as they say in Arkansas...

Hey EAJ,

I would love to bag a peak or two while I'm up there for B2B, but that's about the extent of what I might be able to manage this year. I'm definitely up for it if we can work out the logistics.

As for GPS - I don't have any peaks bagged that I would have on my GPS from Vancouver, so can't help you there.


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